
I’m Stephanie.

Foodie, Writer, Photographer, Traveler

This space represents my copper kitchen table, stamped with a Monarch butterfly. The copper comes from Angangueo, Mexico, near where Monarch butterflies return every fall to spend the winter. This table is a place I love to gather friends and family for a cup of tea or for an intimate dinner full of stories and good wine. It’s also the place I feed my family quick omelettes before school, soup and homemade bread for dinner and where we connect after a long day. It is often my preferred place to sit and write when the house is quiet.


A Few of My Favorite Things



wine country… in any country



grower Champagne


Italian reds



old fashioned

extra dirty vodka martini

jalapeño margarita



Caprese salad made with burrata

food that requires using your fingers to eat



“The Kitchen Diaries” by Nigel Slater

any books by Nicole Stich

“Prune” by Gabrielle Hamilton



dark chocolate cake — no icing

citrus focused desserts



recreating any memorable dish from my travels





How It All Began



I’m a Colorado native and a home cook who grew up eating delicious food, thanks to my mom and my grandma. Homemade beans and tortillas were on my mom’s table regularly, along with her sopaipillas, chicken enchiladas, homemade bread and sourdough biscuits.

Grandma always had jars and jars of salsa from the fresh ingredients she grew in her garden. Her homemade tamales were stored in the freezer beside her tortillas, ready to pull out whenever we were hungry. And she made fruit leather from the apricot tree in her backyard.

I grew up knowing what good food was. 

My mom was extremely patient and generous with her kitchen supplies when I was a kid, and I found I loved to cook at an early age. I didn’t grow up in a cosmopolitan city or have access to exotic ingredients, but learning breeds a love of learning.

As I went into my adult years, I traveled for my job and began eating new-to-me foods. You could find me, party of one, eating regional foods and fresh catch in the Pacific Northwest, on the California coast, and down south in the land of sweet tea, catfish, grits and hush puppies.

In 2002, I met Dave over a platter of “fruits de mer” and a bottle of Priorat, and we married and moved to Munich, Germany, where my culinary world exploded with the bounty and beauty of European farming and centuries old knowledge and techniques. It was in Munich that I discovered the value of slow food, cooking for others, and the lifelong bond of friendship that forms when people gather around a dinner table.

We’ve made Colorado Springs home for the past 19 years, raising our two precious girls, and doing our best to introduce them to this beautiful world.

As the years have gone by, full of dinners, parties, holidays and experiments in the kitchen, and so much traveling, I have learned that I am extremely blessed to have the privilege of cooking and eating abundantly.

But good gifts are meant to be shared.

When you take time and energy to cook for someone, you offer a little piece of yourself, and just maybe, a seed is planted for a beautiful friendship and connection. Lives change, and the world is a bit redeemed as we learn to love each other better and work together to lift up those who need our help.

I hope The Copper Mariposa is a place you and I can learn and connect over good food, inspiration and experiments in the kitchen.


Featured In


noonday collection

delicious days

the triangle plate

the exodus road


What I’ve Been Chatting About Lately